In 2011, award-winning independent filmmaker Jay Craven and his Kingdom County Productions founded a semester-long film intensive at Marlboro College called Movies from Marlboro. The pioneering program ran for seven years, providing invaluable experience to 96 students from 23 colleges and universities around the world. In addition, the program produced three independent films—featuring award-winning actors like Bruce Dern, Jacqueline Bisset, Diane Guerrero, Jessica Hecht, Gordon Clapp, Susan Kelechi Watson and many others. The films have played nationally in theatres, at festivals, on Netflix, Amazon, Showtime, and more.
This innovative film intensive program has now taken up residence at Sarah Lawrence College, where it is directed by Craven. Cinema Sarah Lawrence provides a semester-long experience that is unique and unparalleled in the United States.
During the spring of 2019, Cinema Sarah Lawrence and the College's robust Filmmaking & Moving Image Arts program produced Martin Eden, an ambitious feature film based on Jack London’s autobiographical novel.
Plans are now moving forward to produce our next film intensive semester during the winter/spring of 2022.
Program Overview
Provides a “semester away” film intensive where students receive a full semester of college credits and professional screen credit listed on IMDB.
Offers intensive, experiential learning that is firmly grounded in the liberal arts
Kicks off with a week-long excursion to the Sundance Film Festival
Produces an ambitious feature film for national release during 13 weeks on location where students attend daily classes, hands-on workshops, master classes with visiting artists, field trips, and more
Engages 28 working professionals and SLC faculty to mentor and collaborate with students
Accepts no more than 40 students to ensure deep immersion and a transformative learning experience